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New Data Suggests More Doctors Spending Time Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation As Compared To Six Months Ago

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Latest Sermo COVID-19 Real Time Barometer Shows Nearly 18% More Doctors Say They Are Hearing Vaccine Misinformation from Patients, But 22% More are Confronting Fewer Vaccine Side Effect Concerns

NEW YORK, NY, November 17, 2021 / B3C newswire / -- Sermo’s most recent COVID-19 Real Time Barometer surveyed 3,050 physicians across 26 countries and showed that while more physicians are hearing fewer concerns from patients about the side effects of the vaccine now (59%) compared to six months ago (72%), more physicians are reporting patients are coming to them with vaccine misinformation vs. six months ago. Specifically, in our June study (n=3,050 physicians, 24 countries), 45% of doctors said their patients shared misinformation expressing concerns about one or more of the following vs. 53% in our most recent poll:

  • The vaccine modifies your DNA
  • The vaccine causing infertility
  • The COVID-19 vaccine contains a microchip
  • Getting the vaccine gives you COVID-19

“We’re seeing an interesting contrast between what doctors told us recently about the vaccine, and what they told us just six months ago,” said Peter Kirk, Sermo CEO. “This just underscores the value of the COVID-19 Real Time Barometer...as physicians are seeing and learning so much everyday, it’s important that we continue to track insights over time that have the potential to impact how we are able to manage the spread of the pandemic.”

Sermo, the global physician insights leader, launched their COVID-19 Real Time Barometer — an ongoing observational study of physicians' experiences and perspectives on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic -- in March of 2020. To date, 84,000+ physicians from 31 countries have participated, providing more than 1,200,000 answers on timely and important COVID topics.

“When the pandemic first hit last March, we knew that the 1.3MM HCPs on the Sermo platform -- many of whom were on the frontlines -- were going to be a critical tool in helping the world understand the impact of COVID-19 and how we might best fight it,” said Peter Kirk, Sermo CEO. “So we created the COVID-19 Real Time Barometer to not only better understand the real-time impact of the pandemic, but to give physicians a platform to voice their experiences, concerns and needs.”

The latest study also shows that now that the FDA has approved the practice, 46% of doctors will encourage their vaccinated patients to get a booster shot even if it’s from a different manufacturer, and 47% of doctors surveyed believe their patients will request the same brand for vaccine boosters.

Some additional findings from the survey include:

  • 62% of physicians agree Pfizer will be the brand of booster shot most requested by their patients.
  • Doctors are consistent in their belief that patients are more reluctant to vaccinate their children than themselves (59% now vs. 56% in June 2021).
  • There was a slight increase in physicians concerned that the biggest hidden consequence of COVID-19 will be long-term financial impact to the healthcare system (57% now vs. 50% in January 2021).
  • 87% of doctors say that depression and other mental health issues remain the biggest non-COVID-19 related public health concern.

To learn more about the COVID-19 Real Time Barometer and its findings, click here.


About Sermo
Sermo turns physician experience, expertise, and observations into actionable insights for the global healthcare community. Engaging with more than 1.3 million HCPs across 150 countries, the company provides physicians with a social platform and unique community that fosters impactful peer-to-peer collaboration & discussions about issues that are important to them and their patients. Sermo offers on demand access to physicians via a suite of proprietary technology to provide business intelligence that benefits pharmaceutical, healthcare partners, and the medical community at large. To learn more, visit www.sermo.com



Alexander Petti
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Keywords: Humans; Coronavirus; COVID-19 Vaccines; COVID-19; Pandemics; DNA; Vaccines; Infertility; Mutagenesis; Nanotechnology; Vaccination; Surveys and Questionnaires; Physicians; Patient Education as Topic; Telemedicine; Delivery of Health Care; Patient Care; Social Media; Data Management, Social; North America


Published by B3C newswire

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