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Deuterium Depletion as a Possible New Strategy to Combat SARS-CoV-2

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BUDAPEST, Hungary, March 13, 2020 / B3C newswire / -- Since December 2019, the world is facing the new coronavirus challenge, and measures have been taken against the outbreak. The continuously increasing number of prevalence of coronavirus infected patients and the death cases clearly show, that there is no therapy against coronaviruses yet. Considering all available data on the effect of deuterium depletion on cell function and metabolism, and over 20 years’ experience with Vetera-DDW-25 deuterium-depleted veterinary medicinal anti-cancer product, which showed anti-viral effect of deuterium depletion in pets, HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development plans to start pre-clinical and clinical studies to reveal the potential of deuterium depletion in viral infections.

Hungarian molecular biologist, Gábor Somlyai PhD, in the early ‘90s foremost started to investigate the physiological importance of naturally occurring deuterium, and published the anti-tumor effects of deuterium depletion in the FEBS Letters (1993, 314, 1-4). Three decades of basic research confirmed the importance of deuterium in living organisms, revealing that the cellular and molecular processes are influenced, organized and harmonized on sub-molecular level. The ratio of the two hydrogen isotopes (Deuterium/Hydrogen) is a key signal, and the transfer of deuterium and hydrogen to different structural and functional molecules are essential for maintaining normal cellular functions, DNA and protein integrity.  Strategic exchange of deuterium found in water and organic molecules to hydrogen opens new ways in prevention and curation of not only tumorous but also metabolic and other diseases. Three decades of basic research also confirmed, that deuterium depletion is highly specific to attack non-healthy cells.

HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development has already conducted two prospective clinical trials on prostate cancer and metabolic diseases and possesses the necessary documentation to apply for ethical approval and its parent company, HYD Pharma Inc, completed the first facility in the world able to produce deuterium-depleted water (DDW) according to GMP rules for clinical trials. HYD LLC as a small enterprise is seeking for partners, sharing the IP, to the development and common registration of drugs to treat the disease caused by the coronavirus.

There is no warrant for the efficacy of deuterium depletion against the coronavirus, but the available research data and veterinary experience with DDW create the firm basis for further investigations to find the most promising therapeutic solution for coronavirus epidemic within a reasonable time.  


About HYD LLC.
HYD LLC. was established in 1993 for the development and worldwide marketing of drugs and consumer products, that utilize the proprietary procedure, deuterium depletion. Since 1993, the company has been pioneering in research and drug development related to deuterium depletion and was worldwide the first to investigate the biological role and physiological importance of naturally occurring deuterium. The company’s mission is to develop and register novel pharmaceutical and consumer products primarily for the treatment and prevention of tumorous diseases, and to open-up new ways of application of the method in further ranges of indication. The world’s first deuterium-depleted antitumor medicine, Vetera-DDW-25® for veterinary application, was registered in Hungary in 1999. In 2000, the company brought the Preventa® deuterium-depleted drinking water products to the market. In 2012, Primus Capital closed a USD 2 Million investment in HYD Pharma Inc. The investment was used for validation of research results, and for set up the deuterium-depleted water (DDW) producing facility according to the GMP rules.



HYD LLC for Cancer Research and Drug Development
Gábor Somlyai PhD, CEO
Phone: +36 1 365-1660
Mobil: +36 30 940 2311
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Keywords: Coronavirus; Deuterium; Hydrogen; Coronavirus Infections


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