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Primerdesign Launch World’s Most Affordable Real-Time PCR Machine

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Southampton, United Kingdom, August 27, 2014 / B3C newswire / - Primerdesign Ltd is delighted to announce the release of the World’s most affordable Real-Time PCR instrument. The genesig® q16 will accompany their catalogue of over 400 applied DNA testing kits and provide a market shifting solution making DNA testing available to the mass market.

Priced at £3995 ($6500) the q16 combines a streamlined user experience with the reliability of Real-Time PCR analysis. By utilising one of the many kits available, the q16 can give reliable, reproducible results in under 2 hours, compared to days (or even weeks) for more traditional methods. The q16 automates post-experiment analysis and so makes qPCR accessible to anyone in a variety of settings.

“By removing the greatest barriers to entry – cost and required expertise, the q16 means that DNA testing can be made available for everyone, everywhere” said Jim Wicks PhD, managing director of Primerdesign; “Our main objective was to ensure that process was accessible for everyone, with the q16 and associated genesig Easy kits I believe that just about anyone can do Real-Time PCR”

Despite the market-shattering price, the q16 is a quality British manufactured instrument. It is the first truly solid state Real-Time PCR instrument on the market and has no moving parts. The solid state technology enables silent operation and high component tolerances ensure rapid thermal-cycling rates. In pre-production testing the q16 performed better than all other instruments in much higher pricing brackets.

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Photo opportunity: The q16 machine & kits and/or hands on experience with the system at our labs by arrangement. See details below or visit: www.genesig.com/products/9633.
For high resolution please click on image.

Primerdesign is a spinoff company from the University of Southampton specialising in Real-Time PCR technology. As well as solving challenging problems for researches they also manufacture an extensive range of ‘genesig’ pathogen and disease testing kits. Furthermore the genesig range has animal speciation kits which were in high demand during the 2013 horse-meat scandal. Finally in 2009 Primerdesign were the first company in the world to develop a detection kit for H1N1 swine flu.

We can offer:

  • Phone or face-to-face interviews with Dr Jim Wicks, the managing director.
  • High resolution, professionally produced product photos of the instrument.
  • Detailed technical information/specifications.
  • Hands on demonstration in our lab.


Dr Jim Wicks, PhD
Managing Director
Primerdesign Ltd
Tel: +44 (23) 8074 8830
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